We love dogs here at fishtank—so much so we often bring them along to work with us. Like today. It's not unusual to find them roaming the hallways, doing their business on the neighboring law firm's lawn or just napping away the afternoon on one of our beanbag chairs.
What a life, right?
Well, when we had the opportunity to develop an interactive website for DAD'S Treats, we just had to incorporate our love of all things canine into the creative.
In fact, the site just launched today and acts as a portal to two of DAD'S premium dog treat brands—Better Than Ears and Nut-Tastics.
But what makes this site most appealing to animal lovers of all ages is the addition of a virtual dog on the homepage. Actually, she's a multi-talented little Jack Russell Terrier named Maggie (pictured above).
Once the page loads, you can type in any number of commands and/or tricks and Maggie will perform them in real time. From dog-training standards like come, fetch and shake hands to more elaborate tricks including dancing, counting and even yoga poses like downward-facing dog, Maggie virtually does it all. Yeah, the pun was intended.
Best of all, you won't ever need a pooper scooper.
Already a celebrity in her own right, Maggie has made numerous national TV appearances including stints on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Animal Planet's Pet Star and Fox News. She's sure to have millions of new fans once they see her strut her stuff in cyberspace.
So check Maggie out, people. And remember to share the love.