
Baba Booey's Doppleganger on People's Court

So we're chowing down on some Quizno's yesterday at lunch, watching some People's Court and harassing Melissa about, well, about being Melissa, when who should appear but Fafa Fooey's twin brother from another mother, complete with 80's era 'stache and hair.

Check it.

For the uninformed, Baba Booey, aka Gary Dell'Abate, is the long-time producer of the Howard Stern Show. Jamie sent the above link to the Stern Show for their viewing pleasure. We're hoping to get some props on air in the coming weeks.

But even if you don't see the resemblance—which, by the way, is indisputable—or if you don't care about all things Howard Stern, the beauty is in the way-too-short-but-hilarious Q&A after the court proceedings:

Question: "What's the hardest part about being you?"

Wait for it.... wait for it....

Answer: "Mustache."

That's all I've got, people. It's Friday.

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