
resident mafioso whacks a few birthday candles

Louis Massari, a.k.a. Louie the Lip, a.k.a. Lou the Hammer, a.k.a. Brokeback Mountain, a.k.a. Tim, is celebrating his birthday today. Due to his past ties with a certain La Cosa Nastra, Lou said he will not divulge his age (or true identity, for that matter) to any of us. Damn that Omertá and its stupid law of silence. Anyhow, Lou plans on celebrating his special day with the traditional Sicilian birthday ritual:

The birthday ritual in most families happens when a man becomes an associate, and then, a soldier. The neophyte (Lou) is brought together with at least three "men of honor" of the family and the oldest member present warns him that "this House" is meant to protect the weak against the abuse of the powerful; he then pricks the finger of the initiate and spills his blood onto a sacred image, usually of a saint. The image is placed in the hand of the initiate and lit on fire. The neophyte must withstand the pain of the burning, passing the image from hand to hand, until the image has been consumed, while swearing to keep faith with the principles of Cosa Nostra, solemnly swearing "may my flesh burn like this saint if I fail to keep my oath."

Happy Birthday, Lou (or whoever you are).

Oh, and Happy New Year, people.

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