Word is that the banners made quite the impression.
In other healthcare-related news, we just finalized a new hand hygiene campaign for the good folks at Hamot Medical Center. We produced several different educational/awareness posters, banners, wall stickers (near wall-mounted hand sanitizers) and signage for elevator doors. You should start seeing the materials throughout the hospital in about a week or so. Here is a small sampling...
Wall posters:

Hanging banners:

Main lobby elevator door signage (the black line down the middle represents where the two elevator doors come together)...

The idea was simple, really. Let's remind people that the everyday objects we all touch—like light switches, elevator buttons and, yes, potty flusher handles—can collect some real nasty bugs. And we can pass those nasties on real easy like to others. Just imagine the amount of germs that are dancing a jig on your keyboard right now.
Seriously. I can't stress enough the importance of washing or sanitizing your hands. A lot.
Spread the word, people.
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