Today is the American Cancer Society's Great American Smokeout.
As a reformed smoker myself (yes, I readily puffed on the dreaded cancer stick from age 14 until 21), I know how difficult it can be to kick the habit. An article in today's Baltimore Sun reiterates that sentiment:
"About a quarter of Americans smoke because, well, quitting is hard. Most already know smoking is linked to lung cancer and nine other cancers and accounts for almost a third of cancer deaths. Smoking damages almost all organs in the body. It costs billions of dollars annually. And, really, the breath mints just don't do it. Smokers smell bad to everyone else."
Yes, quitting can be difficult. I know firsthand. And obviously to be successful, you've got to really want to stop. If you're serious about quitting, our friends at the Hamot Physician Network can help. Give 'em a call at (814) 877-3960.
To quote the immortal Rob Schneider—who has made a cameo appearance in seemingly every dreadful Adam Sandler flick—"You can do it!"
Even if it's just for today.
Are you sending mixed messages by saying take a 24 hour smoke break yet showing a hot young model smoking?
Right, so wouldn't a more appropriate image be a black lung or a full, gross ashtray? On a poster to lose weight, you wouldn't show a big juicy cheeseburger would you?
Wow, I guess I've spurred quite the lively debate today. Too bad our participants have chosen to remain anonymous.
Mom, Dad, is that you?
On a side note, I'd love to work a big, juicy cheeseburger into a weight loss poster. You smellin' what I'm steppin' in, Jenny Craig?
I am more concerned about the dis to adam! how could you? "the price is wrong b$#@!"
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