And now, for a gratuitous work update:
We recently developed the above FSI (free-standing insert) for the fine folks at DAD'S Treats. Yesterday, it appeared in newspapers across the country.
If you have a four-legged-friend at home and are looking for an alternative to those nasty, fatty pig ears, I'd recommend you clip away the buck off coupon and check out Better Than Ears. Your dog will love them. And you.
My dog, Stella, digs them but her all-time favorite treats are Nut-Tastics. Oddly enough, Jim agrees. He says they actually don't taste half-bad. He's no longer allowed anywhere near our product samples. In fact, he really should be in counseling.
We've got some more fun and exciting national work that will hitting stores near you in the coming months. Plus we've got some big news to share about our growing agency. I'll elaborate on both later. Until then, have a wonderful holiday season.
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